Wednesday 23rd January 2019

CrossFit Cheltenham WOD

Skill / Strength 

Every 2 minutes for 6 rounds complete:

1 Paused front squat (3 seconds)

2 Front squats


Complete 3 rounds of the following:

Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

15 Dumbbell thrusters 22.5/15kg

15 Burpees over the dumbbells

Max Toes to bar in remaining time

Rest 3 minutes

Scaled options

Reduce the weight of the thrusters and the reps of the thrusters and the Burpee so you have around 1 minute on the toes to bar.

Choose a height for the toes to bar that allows you to string together multiple reps consecutively. Eg Chest or groin height.
