CrossFit Cheltenham Members Only Throwdown

CrossFit Cheltenham Members Only Throwdown Competition WOD's Rx'd and Scaled 
Saturday July 26th 2014

We are very excited to be hosting the 6th CrossFit Cheltenham Throwdown exclusively for our members!! Friends and family are very welcome and it is free to come and watch. Weather permitting we will also be BBQing during the event! The cost to enter as normal will be £10

Please arrive at 12pm to register, then a short briefing at 12.15 with the WOD 1 first heat to begin around 12.30pm. 

The setup will be slightly different to previous competitions as we have 2 WODs for everyone and then if you are in the top 6 in your category, you will enter the final.

The finals will begin at around 3.30pm and should last around 45 minutes for all 4 finals.

The winner, in each category, will be the athlete that accumulates the least amount of points over the 3 WOD's (1 point for 1st, 2 for 2nd, 3 for 3rd etc)

The winners podiums should be around 4.15pm after the finals are complete!


Mens Rx'd Event

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

7 Down ups

7 Box jump overs 30" (two footed take off and landing on the box, you may step down)
7 Shoulder to overhead 52.5kg

Time cap - 5 mins

Womens Rx'd Event

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

7 Down ups

7 Box jump overs 24" (two footed take off and landing on the box, you may step down)
7 Shoulder to overhead 35kg

Time cap - 5 mins

Mens Scaled Event

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

7 Down ups

7 Box jump overs 24" (you may step up and down as long as both feet contact the top of the box)
7 Shoulder to overhead 27.5kg

Time cap - 5 mins

Womens Scaled Event

Complete 3 rounds for time of:

7 Down ups

7 Box jump overs 20" (you may step up and down as long as both feet contact the top of the box)
7 Shoulder to overhead 17.5kg

Time cap - 5 mins


Men's Rx'd Event

Starting with 1 of each, then 2 of each, 3,4,5,6 etc, complete as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:

Toes to bar

Kettlebell swing 24kg
AbMat sit up
Deadlift 52.5kg

Women's Rx'd Event

Starting with 1 of each, then 2 of each, 3,4,5,6 etc, complete as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:

Toes to bar
Kettlebell swing 16kg
AbMat sit up
Deadlift 35kg

Men's Scaled Event

Starting with 1 of each, then 2 of each, 3,4,5,6 etc, complete as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:

Knee lift above hip crease

Kettlebell swing 12kg
AbMat sit up
Deadlift 27.5kg

Women's Scaled Event

Starting with 1 of each, then 2 of each, 3,4,5,6 etc, complete as many reps as possible in 4 minutes of:

Knee lift above hip crease

Kettlebell swing 8kg
AbMat sit up
Deadlift 17.5kg


WOD 1 is for time, however if the athlete does not complete within the time cap the number of reps the athlete fails to complete will be added onto the 5:00 minutes as seconds (eg 10 reps short = 5:10)

WOD 2 will be scored by the number of reps completed in the 4 minutes

Movement Standards

Down ups (hand release) - The athlete starts fully standing, then by jumping or walking the legs back lowers themselves until their chest and legs are touching the floor, they must then lift the hands off the floor before jumping or stepping back to their feet into a fully extended position so that from the side they are completely vertical.

Box jumps overs - Rx'd must jump and land on the box with 2 feet together but may step or jump down to the opposite side of the box to complete the rep. Scaled may step or jump the whole movement as long as both feet contact the top of the box as they pass from one side of the box to the other. Full extension is not necessary as the athlete passes over the box.

Shoulder to Overhead - The athlete must pick the bar up from the floor and start the shoulder to overhead movement with the bar in the front rack position, in contact with the chest or shoulder. From there the athlete may strict press, push press, push jerk or split jerk to get the bar overhead. The rep is only completed when the athlete is standing tall with knee, hip, shoulder and elbow fully extended with the bar above the middle of the foot.

Toes to bar - The movement starts with the athlete hanging from the pull up bar with elbows straight and heels behind the vertical plane of the bar. The feet must then be lifted and make contact with the bar simultaneously in between the hands.

Knee lifts - The movement starts with the athlete hanging from the pull up bar with elbows straight and heels behind the vertical plane of the bar. The knees must then be lifted so they are above the horizontal plane of the hip crease.

Kettlebell Swing - The kettlebell must be brought overhead with both hands in one fluid motion from a starting position between the legs. At the top position knees, hips, shoulder and elbows must be fully extended and when viewed from the side be in one vertical line, the kettlebell must also be fully inverted (the flat surface of the kettlebell must be parallel to the ceiling). At the bottom of the swing the kettlebell must pass between the legs with fully extended arms. Feet must be within shoulder width.

AbMat sit ups - The athlete starts on their back on the AbMat, both hands must touch the floor above the head and then sit up to a fully vertical position with the shoulder above the hip and touch the toes with both hands. Feet must be flat on the floor, soles of the feet together and knees dropped out to the side. 

Deadlift - The bar must pe picked up off the floor with a standard deadlift technique, arms outside the legs and the rep is completed when the knees and hips are fully extended and the shoulder is behind the bar. 

Please register at

Good Luck!
