Saturday 11th May 2019

CrossFit Cheltenham WOD

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of movements in the WOD


Working in same sex teams of three, complete the following for time:

Check in: 50 Syncro down ups (3 Working)

200/150 Cal row

150 Wall balls 9/6kg to 10/9’

100 Box jump overs 24/20”

50 Dumbbell thrusters 22.5/15kg

100 Box jump overs 24/20”

150 Wall balls 9/6kg to 10/9’

200/150 Cal row

Check out: 50 Sync over object burpees with 2 athletes working:

One doing over bar bar bupees

One doing over box burpees

The third resting and swapping in whenever you want
