Tuesday 26th March 2019

CrossFit Cheltenham WOD

Skill / Strength

Build to a 3 rep max ‘touch and go’ Power Clean

Complete a max unbroken set at 72.5% of above


Working for 1:30 and resting for 1:30 for a total of 6 rounds, alternate between the following to complete 3 each of:

Round 1 - 200m Run into max clean and jerks in remaining time 70/47.5kg

Round 2 - 75 Double unders into max clean and jerks in remaining time 70/47.5kg

Scaled Options

Round 1 - 100m Run into max hang clean and jerks in remaining time 27.5/17.5kg

Round 2 - 75 Single unders into max hang clean and jerks in remaining time 27.5/17.5kg
