Tuesday 5th February 2019

CrossFit Cheltenham WOD

Skill / Strength 

Efficiency of movements in the WOD


Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:

2 Deadlifts 120/80kg

12 Box jumps 30/24”

4 Deadlifts 120/80kg

12 Box jumps 30/24”

6 Deadlifts120/80kg

12 Box jumps 30/24”

8 Deadlifts 120/80kg

12 Box jumps 30/24”

10,12,14... etc

Rest 4 minutes 

Complete as many rounds as possible in 8 minutes of:

2 Handstand push ups

12 Knees to elbows

4 Handstand push ups

12 Knees to elbows

6 Handstand push ups

12 Knees to elbows

8 Handstand push ups

12 Knees to elbows

10,12,14... etc

Scaled options

30/20kg deadlift working on technique 

Box jumps to 20/12” or step ups if you can’t jump at all, to any height

Pike press ups / press ups from box or shoulder press

Hanging knee raises / toes to a target that allows you to string the reps together
