Tuesday 10th November 2015

CrossFit Cheltenham WOD

Skill / Strength

Set up the WOD

WOD - CrossFit Cheltenham Winter League WOD 15.1

Working in a team of 3 complete the following for time:
10 Team synchronised burpees
90 Single skips
75 On the spot lunge steps holding a 24/16kg kettlebell
60 Russian kettlebell swings 24/16kg
45 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
30 Jumping pull ups
10 Team synchronised burpees
30 Jumping pull ups
45 Thrusters 42.5/30kg
60 Russian kettlebell swings 24/16kg
75 On the spot lunge steps holding a 24/16kg kettlebell
90 Double unders
10 Team synchronised burpees

Time cap - 20 Minutes
(For every rep that is not completed a second will be added onto the 20 min to get a total time)

The attempts must:

  1. Be filmed and uploaded to YouTube with the label - CrossFit Cheltenham Winter League WOD 15.1, **Team name**, *Athlete names*
  2. Have a full introduction of Box, Team name, Competition, WOD number and all team members names at the start
  3. Include the showing of all weights equipment
  4. Be filmed from an angle that shows good reps
  5. Have a visible clock
  6. Be judged by someone capable of maintaining the standards and giving 'no reps' when appropriate. 


Compare to Thursday 5th Novemeber 2015