W/C 22ND APRIL 2024


πŸ”Ί Monday 22nd AprilπŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Welcome to week 8️⃣ of our strength cycle.

This is the final week of this cycle and it is considered a de-load week.

Next week, we take a break from a structured cycle and then return on the week of May 6th.

For load:

Snatch, clean, or jerk:

2 sets of 5 reps at 50-60%

3 sets of 4 reps at 60-70%

2 sets of 3 reps 65-75%


Tier 1 -

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

10 thrusters (52.5/35 kg)

10 power snatches

Tier 2 -

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

10 thrusters (35/25 kg)

10 power snatches

Tier 3 -

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:

7 thrusters (20/15 kg)

7 hang power snatches

🟩 Engine 🟩

Every 5:00 x 3 rounds:

800-m run


Every 3:00 x 5 rounds:

400-m run

🟫 The Late Club 🟫

DB to post

πŸ”Ί Tuesday 23rd April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength


Every minute on the minute for 6:00:

:15 skipping skill practice


Tier 1 -

5 rounds for time:

20 box jump-overs (24/20 in)

20 push-ups

20 pull-ups

Tier 2 -

4 rounds for time:

20 box jump-overs (24/20 in)

20 push-ups

15 pull-ups

Tier 3 -

3-4 rounds for time:

15 box jump-overs (20/12 in)

15 hand-elevated push-ups

15 ring rows



3:00 L-sit hold

πŸŸͺ Sweat πŸŸͺ

Working for 2:00, resting for 1:00 for a total of 4 rounds complete as many reps as possible of:

4/4 single arm DB hang clean and jerk

8 goblet squats

8 burpees

Working for 2:00, resting for 1:00 for a total of 4 rounds complete as many reps as possible of:

8 alternating DB snatch

4/4 single arm DB thruster

8 burpees

πŸŸ₯ Gymnastics πŸŸ₯


Part A - Ring flow/prep

Part B - Strength

Close grip bench press – 18-24 @ 78-82%

Strict chin up – 18-24 @ 78-82%

Part C - Conditioning

β€œDIY” skill work – 16:00 EMOM

1) Complex gymnastics movement – 1 to 8 reps

2) Barbell/DB movement – 5 to 15 reps

3) Simple gymnastics movement – 5 to 15 reps

4) REST or easy bike / row

Example ⬇️

1) 6 ring muscle-ups

2) 8 push jerks @ 70kg

3) 14 box jumps


πŸ”Ί Wednesday 24th AprilπŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength


1:00 max-rep power cleans

– Use 75% of your heaviest set of the day.


Tier 1, 2 & 3

For load:


Power clean

Complete a 200-m run after each set

🟩 Engine 🟩

2 rounds for reps of:

3:00 toes-to-bar/hanging knee raises/sit ups

3:00 kettlebell swings

3:00 calorie row

– Run 400 m at the start of each 3:00 interval.

πŸ”Ί Thursday 25th AprilπŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength


1 set:

30 V-ups

40 tuck-ups

50 hollow rocks


Tier 1 -

For time:


Wall-balls (9/6 kg) (10/9 ft)


Strict muscle-ups

Tier 2 -

For time:


Wall-balls (9/6 kg) (10/9 ft)


Low-ring muscle-up transitions

Tier 3 -

For time:


Wall-ball shots (4/2 kg) (10/9 ft)


Foot-assisted strict pull-ups

Foot-assisted strict ring dips

🟫 The Late Club 🟫

A - In a 10-minute window

Bike for distance*

* Every 2-minutes (0:00 / 2:00 / 4:00 / 6:00 / 8:00):

5 DB Devils presses @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg

– Rest 4:00 before part B –

B - In a 10-minute window

Bike for distance*

* Every 2-minutes (0:00 / 2:00 / 4:00 / 6:00 / 8:00):

7 DB Thrusters @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg

35 Double-unders

– Rest 4:00 before part C –

C - In a 10-minute window

Bike for distance**

* Every 2-minutes (0:00 / 2:00 / 4:00 / 6:00 / 8:00):

10 DB Hang power cleans and jerks @ 2 x 22.5/15 kg

10 Toes-to-rings

πŸ”Ί Friday 26th AprilπŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of WOD movements


Tier 1 -

7 x 1:00 rounds of:

21 double-unders

7 burpees

Max-reps deadlifts (142.5/102.5 kg)

– Rest 2:00 between rounds.

Tier 2 -

7 x 1:00 rounds of:

15 double-unders

5 burpees

Max-reps deadlifts (102.5/85 kg)

– Rest 2:00 between rounds.

Tier 3 -

7 x 1:00 rounds of:

21 single-unders

3 burpees

Max-reps deadlifts (60/42.5 kg)

– Rest 2:00 between rounds.

πŸ”Ί Saturday 27th AprilπŸ”Ί

πŸŸͺ Sweat πŸŸͺ

In a β€œdeath by” style, every minute on the minute complete:

2 air squats

2 burpees

Add 1 rep each minute until you can no longer finish the work in 1:00

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of WOD movements


In pairs, in a β€œyou go, I go” style, complete the following for time:

2000-m row

100 alternating DB hang clean and jerk

300 double unders

100 alternating DB Snatch

50 handstand push ups/push ups/DB variations

2000-m row

πŸ”ΊSunday 28th April πŸ”Ί

πŸŸͺ Sweat πŸŸͺ

Every 4:00 for 5 sets:

200-m run

6 DB burpees

9 DB hang power cleans

12 DB goblet lunges

200-m run

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Every 2:00 for 5 sets:

3 shoulder presses

3 push jerks

– Build to a heavy complex.

– Take the bar from the floor.


Tier 1 -

3 rounds for time:

30 alternating single-leg squats

15 push jerks (42.5/30 kg)

Tier 2 -

3 rounds for time:

20 alternating single-leg squats

15 push jerks (42.5/30 kg)

Tier 3 -

3 rounds for time:

20 alternating forward step lunges

15 push jerks (20/15 kg)

🟩 Engine 🟩

3 rounds, each for time:

50 air squats

400-m run

30 kettlebell swings

200-m run

100-ft bear crawl

Rest 2:00 b/t rounds