Thursday 19th June 2014

CrossFit Cheltenham WOD (Bodyweight Week)

Skill / Strength

Part A - Establish a 1 rep max strict press (Calculate score as a percentage of your bodyweight and by way of Wilks Coefficient calculation)

Part B -  Complete as many ring dips as possible - Note total reps and calculate approximate power output in foot-pounds per second - distance traveled times bodyweight divided by time.

If a 225lb man did 30 ring dips with a distance traveled of 2.2 feet per rep  in 45 seconds the result would be:
225lb x 66 feet   =330 feet-pounds per second 
   45 seconds


Complete 3 rounds for time of:

Run 200m
21 Shoulder to overhead at 35% of bodyweight
12 Ring dips
