Saturday 1st February 2014

CrossFit Cheltenham WOD

Working in pairs, you have 45 minutes to establish a max effort on the following exercises in the order below, you can practice/warm up the movement as much as you want but only one actual attempt at each:

  1. Pull ups (Can rest on the bar)
  2. Half Bodyweight Barbell Thrusters (No stopping at any position)
  3. Ring dips (Can rest on the rings)
  4. Unbroken, successful wall balls 20/14lbs to a 10/9' target (No stopping and may continue through a 'no rep')
  5. Double unders
  6. Bodyweight back squats (Can rest with the bar on the back)
  7. Handstand press ups (Can rest against the wall in an upside down position. A fall down from the wall is end of attempt)
  8. Walking lunge with half bodyweight barbell overhead (Can rest with the bar overhead)
  9. Toes to bar (Can rest on the bar)
  10. Hang power clean and jerk with three quarter bodyweight barbell (Can rest holding the barbell in any position above the knee) 
You must announce your attempt before starting so there is a clear distinction between a practice run and a real attempt.

If you fail to complete all 10 attempts, a 20 rep penalty will be awarded per exercise and deducted from your total score.

Post total reps as your score minus any penalties!


Compare to Friday 18th October 2013