W/C 8TH APRIL 2024


πŸ”Ί Monday 8th April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of WOD movements


Tier 1 & 2 -

From 0:00-10:00:

For time:

1,600-m run


Build to a 5-rep-max bench press.

Tier 3 -

From 0:00-10:00:

For time:

800-m run


Build to a 5-rep-max bench press.

🟩 Engine 🟩

Complete 4 sets of:

250-m row moderate pace

250-m row sprint pace

500-m row recovery race

Rest 3:00 b/t sets

🟫 The Late Club 🟫

DB to post

πŸ”Ί Tuesday 9th April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

21 GHD hip extensions OR good mornings

15 GHD back extensions OR jefferson curls

9 GHD hip and back extensions OR good morning and Jefferson curls


Tier 1 -

3 rounds for time:

50 sit-ups

30 deadlifts (60/42.5 kg)

Tier 2 -

3 rounds for time:

30 sit-ups

30 deadlifts (60/42.5 kg)

Tier 3 -

3 rounds for time:

15 sit-ups

15 deadlifts (35/25 kg)

πŸŸͺ Sweat πŸŸͺ

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 3:00 of:

50 double unders

8 DB reverse lunges

8 DB goblet squats

8 burpees

Rest 2:00

Repeat for 6 rounds

Use 1 DB

πŸŸ₯ Gymnastics πŸŸ₯

Part A - Full body prehab

Part B - Strength

3 sets

8-12 DB bench press

8 Bent over row

Part C - Conditioning

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18:00 of:

2 rope climbs / 2 ring muscle ups

6 25 ft farmers carries

12 box jump overs

18 wall balls

πŸ”Ί Wednesday 10th April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

For load:

Snatch, clean, or jerk:

3 sets x 3 reps at 70-80%

3 sets x 2 reps at 80-90%

3 sets x 1 rep at 90%+


Tier 1 -

5 x 2:30 rounds:

10 overhead squats (42.5/30 kg)

30 lateral hops over bar

Max-calories any machine in the remaining time.

– Rest 2:30 between rounds.

Tier 2 -

5 x 2:30 rounds:

10 overhead squats (35/25 kg)

20 lateral hops over bar

Max-calories any machine in the remaining time.

– Rest 2:30 between rounds.

Tier 3 -

5 x 2:30 rounds:

10 overhead squats (20/15 kg)

10 lateral hops over bar

Max-calories any machine in the remaining time.

– Rest 2:30 between rounds.

🟩 Engine 🟩

10 rounds:

200-m object carry

100-m sprint

– Rest 1:00 between rounds.

πŸ”Ί Thursday 11th April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength


On a 10:00 clock:

Build to a heavy weighted strict pull-up


Tier 1 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10:00:

30 walking lunges

6 strict pull-ups

5 KB strict presses/arm (16/12 kg)

Tier 2 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10:00:

30 walking lunges

6 banded strict pull-ups

5 KB strict presses/arm (12/8 kg)

Tier 3 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10:00:

20 walking lunges

6 ring rows

5 DB strict presses/arm (10/5 kg)

🟫 The Late Club 🟫

Part A - For time, partitioned any way

40 ring muscle-ups

80 burpees to a 12β€² target

120 cal row

Distribute the reps as wanted to complete the workout

Part B - For time


Hang squat cleans @ 70/47.5 kg

Strict handstand push-ups

Part C - 2-3 rounds

8-12/side DB external rotations

10 DB pullovers

πŸ”Ί Friday 12th April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of WOD movements


Tier 1 -

3 rounds for time:

21 power cleans (70/47.5 kg)

400-m run

Plank hold for time equal to run time

Tier 2 -

3 rounds for time:

21 power cleans (52.5/35 kg)

400-m run

Plank hold for as much of run time as possible

Tier 3 -

3 rounds for time:

12 power cleans (20/15 kg)

200-m run

Plank hold for as much of run time as possible

πŸ”Ί Saturday 13th April πŸ”Ί

πŸŸͺ Sweat πŸŸͺ

5 rounds each for time:

200-m run

10 DB power cleans

10 DB thrusters

200-m run

Rest 2:00 b/t rounds

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of WOD movements


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 25:00 with a partner:

20 wall-balls

10 bar muscle-ups / 10 pull ups / 10 jumping pull ups

5 wall walk + burpees / 3 / 3 inchworm + burpees

– Partners split work as needed.

πŸ”ΊSunday 14th April πŸ”Ί

πŸŸͺ Sweat πŸŸͺ

10 rounds for time:

10 plate ground to overhead

8 overhead plate lunges

6 toes-to-bar

Starting at 0:00 and every 2:00 complete 5 box jump overs

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength


Accumulate 10 reps of each movement per arm:

DB Turkish get-up + windmill


Tier 1 -

For time:


Echo bike calories

DB hang snatches, left-arm (15/12.5 kg)

DB hang snatches, right-arm

Tier 2 -

For time:


Echo bike calories

DB hang snatches, left-arm (12.5/10 kg)

DB hang snatches, right-arm

Tier 3 -

For time:


Echo bike calories

DB hang snatches, left-arm (10/5 kg)

DB hang snatches, right-arm

🟩 Engine 🟩

Every minute on the minute for 40:00, choose your rep scheme and complete:

Min 1: Ski/Row cals

Min 2: Wall-balls

Min 3: Ski/Row cals

Min 4: Burpees