W/C 15TH APRIL 2024


πŸ”Ί Monday 15th AprilπŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

For load:

Snatch, clean, or jerk:

2 sets of 3 reps at 70-80%

3 sets of 2 reps at 80-90%

4 sets of 1 rep at 90%+


Tier 1 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20:00:

400-m run

50 KB swings (32/24 kg)

400-m single-KB farmers carry

– Partners run together and break up the other two movements as needed.

Tier 2 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20:00:

400-m run

50 KB swings (24/16 kg)

400-m single-KB farmers carry

– Partners run together and break up the other two movements as needed.

Tier 3 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20:00:

200-m run

30 KB swings (12/8 kg)

200-m single-KB farmers carry

– Partners run together and break up the other two movements as needed.

🟩 Engine 🟩

6 rounds for calories:

:30 bike

:30 rest

– Hold 300+ watts.

– Rest 2:00

6 rounds for calories:

:20 bike

:40 rest

– Hold 350+ watts.

🟫 The Late Club 🟫

DB to post

πŸ”Ί Tuesday 16th April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength



40 alternating handstand shoulder taps


Tier 1 -

3 rounds for time with a partner:

40 toes-to-bars

12 wall walks

– One athlete works at a time. Athletes may alternate as they see fit.

Tier 2 -

3 rounds for time with a partner:

24 knees-to-armpits

8 wall walks

– One athlete works at a time. Athletes may alternate as they see fit.

Tier 3 -

3 rounds for time with a partner:

24 hanging knee raises

8 inch worms

– One athlete works at a time. Athletes may alternate as they see fit.

πŸŸͺ Sweat πŸŸͺ

4 rounds, each for time, of:

200-m run

15 DB deadlifts

12 DB squats

9 push ups


Rest 2:00 b/t rounds

πŸŸ₯ Gymnastics πŸŸ₯

Part A - Full body prehab

Part B - Conditioning

Every minute on the minute for 20:00 alternate between:

12-18 cal row

6-12 wall-facing HSPU / kipping HSPU / pike push ups / push ups

8-12 burpee box jump overs

8-12 toes-to-bar


πŸ”Ί Wednesday 17th April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

For load:

Front squat


– The final set should be the heaviest.


Tier 1 & 2 -

Every minute on the minute for 10:00 alternate between:

Min. 1 | :45 alternating single-leg squats

Min. 2 | 1:00 row

Tier 3 -

Every minute on the minute for 10:00 alternate between:

Min. 1 | :45 alternating single-leg squats to target

Min. 2 | 1:00 row

🟩 Engine 🟩

Complete 5 rounds for time:

100-m d-ball carry

10 heavy Russian kettlebell swings

400-m run

πŸ”Ί Thursday 18th April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of WOD movements

WOD - IQF 24.1 - TBA

🟫 The Late Club 🟫

IQF 24.1 - TBA

πŸ”Ί Friday 19th April πŸ”Ί

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of WOD movements

WOD - IQF 24.2 - TBA

πŸ”Ί Saturday 20th April πŸ”Ί

πŸŸͺ Sweat πŸŸͺ

Every 4:00 for a total of 5 rounds complete:

200-m run

20 DB push press

20 air squats

200-m run

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

In pairs, splitting as desired, complete for time:

120 cal bike

75 pull ups

100 thrusters

100 sit ups

100 reverse lunges

75 press ups

120 cal bike


12PM IS IQF 24.3 - TBA

πŸ”ΊSunday 21st AprilπŸ”Ί

πŸŸͺ Sweat πŸŸͺ

Working for 3:00, resting for 1:00 for a total of 4 rounds complete as many rounds and reps of:

75 double-unders

25 burpees

Max-rep toes-to-bars / hanging knee raises / sit-ups

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of WOD movements

WOD - IQF 24.4 - TBA

🟩 Engine 🟩

3 rounds for time:

200-m run

15 box step ups (right leg)

200-m run

15 box step ups (left leg)

Rest 3:00

3 rounds for time:

2:00 of skipping (alternate legs)

40 air squats

20 kettlebell swings