🔺 Monday 5th February🔺

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

3 sets - post workout:

8-12 ring dips

:45 plank hold


Tier 1 -

Working for 3:00, resting for 1:00 for a total of 4 rounds complete as many rounds and reps of:

75 double-unders

25 burpees

Max-rep toes-to-bars

Tier 2 -

Working for 3:00, resting for 1:00 for a total of 4 rounds complete as many rounds and reps of:

40 double-unders

20 burpees

Max-rep toes-to-bars

Tier 3 -

Working for 3:00, resting for 1:00 for a total of 4 rounds complete as many rounds and reps of:

50 single-unders

15 burpees

Max-rep hanging knee raises

🟩 Engine 🟩

10 sets for meters:

:30 row at 25 strokes per minute

:20 row at 30 strokes per minute

:10 row at 35+ strokes per minute

1:00 row at 20 strokes per minute

🟫 The Late Club 🟫

Part A - Build to a 3RM back squat

We will use this to calculate a theoretical max single to go off for the next 8 wks

Part B - 3 x 8 EL reverse lunges 30-40% of 3rm

Part C - For time:

1500-m row

21 burpees

21 pull-ups

1000-m row

15 burpees

15 C2B pull-ups

500-m row

9 burpees


22:00 TC

🔺 Tuesday 6th February🔺

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Snatch, clean or jerk - week 6 - lift every 1:30

3 sets of 3 reps @ 70-80%

3 sets of 2 reps @ 80-90%

3 sets of 1 rep @ 90%+


Tier 1 & 2 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15:00 of:

3, 6, 9, 12…


Dumbbell box step-ups (24/20 in) (15/10 kg)

Tier 3 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 15:00 of:

3, 6, 9, 12…

Sit ups

Box step-ups (20 in) (add DBs if possible)

🟪 Sweat 🟪

Working for 1:00, resting for 1:00 for a total of 5 rounds complete:

20 jumping lunges

Max skips (singles, doubles or crossovers) in remaining time

Rest 2:00

Working for 1:00, resting for 1:00 for a total of 5 rounds complete:

20 plank shoulder taps

Max burpees in remaining time

🟥 Gymnastics 🟥



Complete 3 sets:

Build to a heavy 4 (H4) push press (84-88%)

The complete the following 2 sets as 6-8 @ 85-90% of H4

8-12 strict pull-ups


12-minute EMOM

3 ring muscle-ups/bar muscle ups/chest-to-bar/pull-ups/jumping variations

6 strict handstand push-ups/pike/DB variations

12 air squats

🔺 Wednesday 7th February🔺

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

5 sets - post workout:

5 handstand push-up negatives

5 single-arm dumbbell seated strict presses/arm

:30 max handstand push-ups


Tier 1 -

For time:


Ring muscle-ups

Squat snatches (60/42.5 kg)

Tier 2 -

For time:


Low ring muscle-up transitions

Squat snatches (42.5/30 kg)

Tier 3 -

For time:


Ring rows

Knee push-ups

Squat snatches (pipe)

🟩 Engine 🟩

Complete 4 rounds, each for time of:

400-m run

30 push ups

20 DB deadlifts

100-m DB farmers carry

Rest 1:00 between rounds

🔺 Thursday 8th February🔺

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

3 sets:

8 strict pull-ups (add weight if possible)


Tier 1 & 2 -

5 rounds for time:

25 Russian KB swing (24/16 kg)

100-m KB carry

Tier 3 -

4 rounds for time:

20 Russian KB swing (12/10 kg)

100-m KB carry

🟨 Weightlifting 🟨


A - Hang power clean + pause split jerk + split jerk

5 x 1+1+1 @ 50%1RM CnJ, EMOM

B - Clean and jerk

2 x 1+2 @ 70%

2 x 1+2 @ 75%

1 x 1+2 @ 80%

1 x 1+2 @ 80-85%

2 x 1+2 @ 70%

Go every 2:00

🟫 The Late Club 🟫

Part A -

15 power snatches @ 42.5/30kg

30 toes-to-bars

15 thrusters @ 42.5/30kg

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 power snatches

30 chest-to-bar pull-ups

15 thruster

Then, rest 1 minute before continuing with:

15 power snatches

30 handstand push-ups

15 thruster

Part B begins immediately following the completion of Part A

Part B - complete the following complex for max load:

1 clean

1 hang clean

1 front squat

1 jerk

🔺 Friday 9th February🔺

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Every 2:00 for 5 sets:

10 bench press @ 70+%


Tier 1 -

For time:

100 wall-balls (6/9 kg) (10/9 ft)

400-m run

200-ft DB overhead walking lunge (22.5/15 kg)

– Use one DB.

Tier 2 -

For time:

80 wall-balls (9/6 kg) (10/9 ft)

400-m run

200-ft DB overhead walking lunge (15/12.5 kg)

– Use one DB.

Tier 3 -

For time:

50 wall-balls (4/2 kg) (10/9 ft)

400-m run

100-ft walking lunge

🔺 Saturday 10th February🔺

🟪 Sweat 🟪

Every 5:00 for a total of 4 rounds complete:

400-m run

20 DB push press

40 air squats

200-m run

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

Efficiency of WOD movements


Complete the following for time:

400-m run

10 deadlifts (110/70 kg)

1 rope climb

400-m run

10 deadlift (110/70 kg)

2 rope climbs

400-m run

10 deadlifts (110/70 kg)

3 rope climbs

400-m run

10 deadlifts (110/70 kg)

4 rope climbs

400-m run

10 deadlifts (110/70 kg)

5 rope climbs

🟨 Weightlifting 🟨


A - Hip power snatch + hip snatch + overhead squat

5 x 1+1+1 @ 50%, EMOM

B - Snatch

3 x 2 @ 70-75%

2 x 2 @ 75-80%

1 x 2 @ 80-85%

3 x 2 @ 75%

Go every 1:30-2:00

C - Front squat

5 x 3 @ 80+%, go every 3:00

D - Complete the strength piece from Gymnastics if not already completed

🔺Sunday 11th February🔺

🟪 Sweat 🟪

Complete 27-21-15-9 reps of:

Alternating DB snatch

DB goblet squat

Push ups

Complete a 200-m row after each section

🟦 CrossFit 🟦

Skill / Strength

For load:

Back squat


– Max reps on the last set.


Tier 1 & 2 -

Every minute on the minute for 10:00 alternate between:

Min. 1 | :45 alternating single-leg squats

Min. 2 | 1:00 row calories

Tier 3 -

Every minute on the minute for 10:00 alternate between:

Min. 1 | :45 alternating single-leg squats to target

Min. 2 | 1:00 row calories

🟩 Engine 🟩

Complete 4 rounds, each for time of:

300-m run

64-ft DB front rack walking lunge

300-m run

64-ft bear crawl

Rest 2:00 between rounds