๐Ÿ”บ Monday 29th January๐Ÿ”บ

๐ŸŸฆ CrossFit ๐ŸŸฆ

Skill / Strength

3 sets:

:20 ring plank hold (right arm)

:20 ring plank hold (left arm)

:20 L-sit hold

10 strict toes-to-bars


Tier 1 -

Every minute on the minute for 12:00 alternate between:

Min. 1) 3 ring muscle-ups

Min. 2) max shuttle runs

โ€“ 1 shuttle = 25 ft down + 25 ft back

Tier 2 -

Every minute on the minute for 12:00 alternate between:

Min. 1) 1 ring muscle-up

Min. 2) max shuttle runs

โ€“ 1 shuttle = 25 ft down + 25 ft back

Tier 3 -

Every minute on the minute for 12:00 alternate between:

Min. 1) 3-6 low ring muscle-up transitions

Min. 2) max shuttle runs

โ€“ 1 shuttle = 25 ft down + 25 ft back

๐ŸŸฉ Engine ๐ŸŸฉ

Complete the following:

Every 5:00 x 3 rounds:

800-m run


Every 3:00 x 5 rounds:

400-m run

๐ŸŸซ The Late Club ๐ŸŸซ

A. 8-minute EMOM (0:45/0:15)

1) 8 DB squats @ 2 x 22.5/15kg + bar muscle-ups in the remaining time

2) bike for calories

B. 8-minute EMOM (0:45/0:15)

1) 35 double-unders + handstand push-ups in the remaining time

2) row for calories

C. 8-minute EMOM (0:45/0:15)

1) 4 wall walks + DB Snatches, alt @ 22.5/15kg in the remaining time

2) bike for calories

D. 8-minute EMOM (0:45/0:15)

1) wall balls @ 9/6kg to 10โ€ฒ target

2) row for calories

Rest 2:00 b/t intervals

๐Ÿ”บ Tuesday 30th January๐Ÿ”บ

๐ŸŸฆ CrossFit ๐ŸŸฆ

Skill / Strength

Week 5 - for load:

Snatch, clean or jerk:

4 sets of 3 reps @ 70-80%

3 sets of 2 reps @ 80-90%

2 sets of 1 rep @ 90%+


Tier 1 -

Working for 2:00, resting for 2:00 complete 3 rounds of:

12 front squats (70/47.5 kg)

Max burpee box jump-overs

Tier 2 -

Working for 2:00, resting for 2:00 complete 3 rounds of:

12 front squats (52.5/35 kg)

Max burpee box jump-overs

Tier 3 -

Working for 2:00, resting for 2:00 complete 3 rounds of:

12 front squats (20/15 kg)

Max burpee box step-overs

๐ŸŸช Sweat ๐ŸŸช

Every minute on the minute, in a โ€œdeath byโ€ style, adding 1 rep after each round, complete the following:

Min. 1 - 12 burpees

Min. 2 - 12 jumping squats

Min. 3 - 12 sit-ups

Min. 4 - 12 jumping lunges

๐ŸŸฅ Gymnastics ๐ŸŸฅ



Complete 3 sets:

Build to a heavy 5 (H5) push press (80-85%)

The complete the following 2 sets as 8-10 @ 85-90% of H5

8-12 strict pull-ups


7-minute AMRAP (for chest-to-bar pull-up reps)

200-m Run

Big set of chest-to-bar pull-ups

Rest 3-minutes

7-minute AMRAP (for HSPU reps)

200-m row

Big set of handstand push-ups*

* Strict or kipping (your choice)

Rest 3-minutes

7-minute AMRAP (for toes-to-bar reps)

400-m bike

Big set of toes-to-bars

๐Ÿ”บ Wednesday 31st January๐Ÿ”บ

๐ŸŸฆ CrossFit ๐ŸŸฆ

Skill / Strength

3 sets:

20 double-dumbbell overhead walking lunges


Tier 1 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8:00 of:

40 double-unders

10 push presses (42.5/30 kg)

Tier 2 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8:00 of:

40 double-under attempts

10 push presses (30/20 kg)

Tier 3 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8:00 of:

30 single-unders

10 push presses (20/15 kg)

๐ŸŸฉ Engine ๐ŸŸฉ

Every 4:00 for a total of 6 rounds complete:

R1 - 400-m run + max alt. DB snatch

R2 - 400-m run + max alt. DB reverse lunge

R3 - 400-m run + max KB sumo deadlift high pull

R4 - 400-m run + max burpee tuck jumps

R5 - 400-m run + max air squats

R6 - 400-m run + max distance farmers carry

๐Ÿ”บ Thursday 1st February๐Ÿ”บ

๐ŸŸฆ CrossFit ๐ŸŸฆ

Skill / Strength

6 sets for load:

3 deadlifts


6 sets for load:

5 deadlifts


Tier 1 -

5 rounds for time:

25 KB swings (24/16 kg)

10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

Tier 2 -

5 rounds for time:

25 KB swings (24/16 kg)

10 kipping pull-ups

Tier 3 -

5 rounds for time:

25 KB swings (12/8 kg)

10 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups

๐ŸŸจ Weightlifting ๐ŸŸจ

A - Power clean + pause split jerk + split jerk

5 sets 1+1+1 @ 50%1RM CnJ, EMOM

B - Clean and jerk

2 x 2+1 @ 70%

2 x 2+1 @ 75%

1 x 2+1 @ 80%

1 x 2+1 @ 80-85%

2 x 2+1 @ 70%

C - Front squat + back squat

1 set of 5 + 6-10 @ 78-84%1RM FS

2 sets of 4 + 6-10 @ 80-86%1RM FS

1 set of 3 + 6-10 @ 82-88%1RM FS

Rest 3:00-4:00 b/t sets

๐ŸŸซ The Late Club ๐ŸŸซ

For time

21 squat cleans @ 60/42.5 kg

9 wall walks

15 squat cleans @ 85/60 kg

15 ring muscle-ups

9 squat cleans @ 102.5/70 kg

21 wall-facing handstand push-ups

6 squat cleans @ 120/80 kg

27 chest-to-bar pull-ups

3 squat cleans @ 142.5/92.5 kg

๐Ÿ”บ Friday 2nd February๐Ÿ”บ

๐ŸŸฆ CrossFit ๐ŸŸฆ

Skill / Strength

Back squat


โ€“ Max reps on the last set at the same weight at set 4


Tier 1 & 2 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20:00 of:

100-m farmers carry (2x 24/16 kg)

200-m run

30 KB goblet squats (1x 24/16 kg)

Tier 3 -

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20:00 of:

100-m farmers carry (12/8 kg)

200-m run

30 air squats

๐Ÿ”บ Saturday 3rd February๐Ÿ”บ

๐ŸŸช Sweat ๐ŸŸช

Complete as many rounds as possible in 30 mins of:


20 plank shoulder taps

20 sit-ups

20 air Squats

๐Ÿ”บ Sunday 4th February๐Ÿ”บ

๐ŸŸช Sweat ๐ŸŸช

Working for 3:00 and resting for 2:00 for a total of 6 rounds complete as many rounds as possible of:

8 line facing burpees

8 DB goblet reverse lunges

32 double unders

8 DB goblets squats

๐ŸŸฆ CrossFit ๐ŸŸฆ

Skill / Strength

3 sets:

15 banded bent over rows

15 banded pull-aparts


Tier 1 -

10 rounds for time:

10 hand-release push-ups

5 single-arm KB push jerks, right

5 single-arm KB push jerks, left

10 KB sumo deadlift high pulls

Use a 24/16 kg KB

Tier 2 -

10 rounds for time:

7 hand-release push-ups

5 single-arm KB push jerks, right

5 single-arm KB push jerks, left

10 KB sumo deadlift high pulls

Use a 20/12 kg KB

Tier 3 -

6 rounds for time:

10 hand-elevated push-ups

5 single-arm KB push jerks, right

5 single-arm KB push jerks, left

10 KB sumo deadlift high pulls

Use a 12/8 kg KB

๐ŸŸฉ Engine ๐ŸŸฉ

Row intervals:

2000-m row @20spm

2000-m row @22spm

2000-m row @24spm

Rest 3:00 b/t intervals