Monday 16th June 2014

CrossFit Cheltenham WOD (Bodyweight week)

CrossFit Class

Skill /Strength

Part A - Establish a 1 rep max thruster (Calculate score as a percentage of your bodyweight and by way of Wilks Coefficient calculation)

Part B  - Complete as many thrusters as possible without stopping at 50% of your bodyweight


Complete 5 rounds for time of:

8 Thrusters 40% bodyweight
8 Over bar burpees


Competitors Class 

Complete AMRAP in 2 mins on each of the following 4 couplets with a 3 minute rest between each one for 2 rounds in total:

4 Muscle ups
8 Deadlifts 100/70kg

4 Power Cleans 85/60kg

8 Chest to bar pull ups

4 Front Squats 70/50kg
8 Toes to bar

4 Power Snatches 60/40kg
20 Double Unders

Total WOD time is 37 minutes


Compare to Monday 13th January 2014